Cour d'appel du Québec

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COURT OF APPEAL OF QUEBEC October 20, 2014 New website of the Court of Appeal of Quebec NOTICE I am pleased to announce that the Court of Appeal of Quebec has launched a brand new website. It is…


COURT OF APPEAL OF QUEBEC October 20, 2014 New website of the Court of Appeal of Quebec NOTICE I am pleased to announce that the Court of Appeal of Quebec has launched a brand new website. It is…


COURT OF APPEAL OF QUEBEC October 21, 2014 New form Files in criminal matters alleging the professional incompetence of trial counsel NOTICE As of October 21, 2014, when a Notice of Appeal or a…


COURT OF APPEAL OF QUEBEC October 21, 2014 New form Files in criminal matters alleging the professional incompetence of trial counsel NOTICE As of October 21, 2014, when a Notice of Appeal or a…


COURT OF APPEAL OF QUEBEC May 1st , 2014 Update to notice issued 28 May 2013 – Additions to list of decisions published 28 May 2013 NOTICE TO COUNSEL AND LITIGANTS Notice is hereby given to counsel…


COUR D'APPEL DU QUÉBEC 21 octobre 2014 Nouveau formulaire Dossiers en matière criminelle soulevant l’incompétence professionnelle de l’avocat(e) de première instance AVIS À compter du 21 octobre…


COUR D'APPEL DU QUÉBEC 21 octobre 2014 Nouveau formulaire Dossiers en matière criminelle soulevant l’incompétence professionnelle de l’avocat(e) de première instance AVIS À compter du 21 octobre…


COUR D'APPEL DU QUÉBEC 1er mai 2014 Mise à jour de l’avis émis le 28 mai 2013 – Ajouts d'arrêts à la liste publiée le 28 mai 2013 AVIS Avis est donné aux parties et à l'ensemble des membres du…


QUEBEC COURT OF APPEAL October 3rd, 2013 NOTICE Notices of hearing In order to standardize procedures between the Montreal and Quebec City offices of the Court of Appeal, please note that as of…


QUEBEC COURT OF APPEAL October 3rd, 2013 NOTICE Notices of hearing In order to standardize procedures between the Montreal and Quebec City offices of the Court of Appeal, please note that as of…