Cour d'appel du Québec

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NOTICE TO THE PROFESSION APPEAL IN BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY June 2, 2006 An appeal in bankruptcy matter is regularly lodged only if it abides by sections 31 and 32 of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency…


NOTICE TO THE PROFESSION APPEAL IN BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY June 2, 2006 An appeal in bankruptcy matter is regularly lodged only if it abides by sections 31 and 32 of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency…


AVIS AUX MEMBRES DU BARREAU APPEL EN MATIÈRE DE FAILLITE 2 juin 2006 Un appel en matière de faillite n'est régulièrement formé que s'il respecte les articles 31 et 32 des Règles générales sur la…


… (File number at the Court of Appeal) Court of appeal of Quebec Appeal from a judgment of the … (Superior Court or Court of Quebec), District of … (name of district), rendered on … (date) by the…


… (File number at the Court of Appeal) Court of appeal of Quebec Appeal from a judgment of the … (Superior Court or Court of Quebec), District of … (name of district), rendered on … (date) by the…