Cour d'appel du Québec

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COURT OF APPEAL OF QUEBEC May 8th, 2013 NOTICE Taxation for disbursements with respect to in-house factums, written arguments and books of authorities In a practice notice dated September 17, 2002,…


COURT OF APPEAL OF QUEBEC May 8th, 2013 NOTICE Taxation for disbursements with respect to in-house factums, written arguments and books of authorities In a practice notice dated September 17, 2002,…


COUR D'APPEL DU QUÉBEC MONTRÉAL Le 15 juin 2010 Accès à l'Édifice Ernest-Cormier lors du transport de lourdes valises AVIS ADMINISTRATIF Afin d'améliorer l'accessibilité à la Cour d'appel du Québec…


Le 20 mai 2010 NOUVEL AVIS À LA CLIENTÈLE Dans le but de favoriser le dépôt de mémoires sur support informatique, je vous prie de prendre connaissance de l'avis administratif qui suit, lequel…


May 20, 2010 NEW NOTICE TO COUNSEL AND LITIGANTS With a view to promoting the filing of factums in computer format, I invite you to take cognizance of the administrative notice that follows, which…


COURT OF APPEAL OF QUEBEC May 28th, 2013 NOTICE TO COUNSEL AND LITIGANTS Notice is hereby given to counsel and litigants that as of today, they are dispensed from filing copies of the judgments…


COURT OF APPEAL OF QUEBEC May 28th, 2013 NOTICE TO COUNSEL AND LITIGANTS Notice is hereby given to counsel and litigants that as of today, they are dispensed from filing copies of the judgments…


COUR D'APPEL DU QUÉBEC 28 mai 2013 AVIS Avis est donné aux parties et à l'ensemble des membres du Barreau du Québec qu'à partir de ce jour les parties sont exemptées de produire dans leur cahier de…