Court of Appeal of Quebec

Revised Clerk's Practice Directions Nos. 7 and 8 and Chief Justice's Directive Respecting the Rules for the Preparation of PDF Files

The Clerk's Practice Directions Nos. 7 and 8 and the Chief Justice's Directive respecting the rules for the preparation of PDF files have been revised in order to modify certain rules and clarify certain statements. The new version of these documents will come into effect on October 3, 2023.

The main changes are:

Clerk's Practice Direction No. 7 – Transmission of the PDF File of Certain Pleadings, Briefs, Memoranda and Other Documents by Means of the Digital Office of the Court of Appeal (DOCA)

  • A clarification has been added to indicate that a USB key filed with the Court office must be identified in the same way as a pleading.


Clerk's Practice Direction No. 8 – Filing of the PDF File of Books of Authorities

  • A statement has been added to indicate that proofs of notification must be transmitted in a separate PDF file at the same time as the book of authorities is filed.


Chief Justice's Directive - Rules Respecting the Preparation of the PDF File of Pleadings, Briefs, Memoranda, Books of Authorities or Any Other Document

  • From now on, the general table of contents of briefs, memoranda or documents in lieu of briefs must, in all cases, be filed in a separate PDF file. In addition, this separate PDF file must contain hyperlinks to the content of the document.

  • If the brief, memorandum or document in lieu of a brief is produced as several paper volumes, then regardless of the number of PDF files, it is suggested, if the case lends itself to it, that the argument as well as Schedules I and II be grouped together in one separate volume, both on paper and as a PDF file.

  • File nomenclature rules have been added for the following documents:

o   Joint schedules in a brief, memorandum or document in lieu of a brief;

o   Joint book of authorities;

o   Book of authorities filed in connection with the hearing of an application/motion;

o   Book of exhibits filed by the opposing party in connection with the hearing of an application/motion.

  • The list of authorities in the book of authorities must now indicate the tab where each authority is located and include a hyperlink to a recognized website that is accessible free of charge.


You can view the new version of the practice directions and the directive by clicking on the links below:

  • Clerk's Practice Direction No. 7 – Transmission of the PDF File of Certain Pleadings, Briefs, Memoranda and Other Documents by Means of the Digital Office of the Court of Appeal (DOCA) 

  • Clerk's Practice Direction No. 8 – Filing of the PDF File of the Book of Authorities 

  • Chief Justice's Directive - Rules Respecting the Preparation of the PDF Files of Pleadings, Briefs, Memoranda, Books of Authorities or Any Other Document


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