The Clerk’s Practice Direction No. 7 and the Chief Justice’s Directive respecting the rules for the preparation of PDF files have been revised in order to modify certain rules and clarify certain statements. The new version of these documents will come into effect today (February 5, 2024).
The main changes are:
Clerk’s Practice Direction No. 7 – Transmission of the PDF File of Certain Pleadings, Briefs, Memoranda and Other Documents by Means of the Digital Office of the Court of Appeal (DOCA)
- From now on, only PDF files of sealed documents will need to be protected by a password;
- A new section has been added to explain how to transmit files other than PDF files, including audio and video files;
- Transmission using DOCA of the PDF file of a pleading or other document must be made on the same day as the paper version is filed. The deadline for submitting the PDF file of briefs, memoranda and documents in lieu of briefs remains the same;
- In civil matters, for an application or motion presented before a judge to be placed on roll on the date indicated in the notice of presentation, the PDF file of the application or motion and its schedules must have been transmitted within the prescribed time limit. Otherwise, the hearing of the application or motion is postponed to a date determined by the clerk.
Chief Justice’s Directive - Rules Respecting the Preparation of the PDF File of Pleadings, Briefs, Memoranda, Books of Authorities or Any Other Document
- Clarifications have been provided regarding the nomenclature to be used when a PDF file comprises several volumes of a brief, memoranda or other document.
- Clarifications have been provided regarding the nomenclature to be used when naming the PDF files of a pleading or amended document, as well as when an additional volume of a brief, memoranda or book of authorities is transmitted to the Court office;
- Hyperlinks in the list of authorities to the content of the book of authorities are now encouraged, but not mandatory. However, if it’s a reference to a judgment, the obligation remains to include in the list of authorities hyperlinks to a recognized Web site that is accessible and free of charge.
You can view the new version of the practice direction and the directive by clicking on the links below:
- Clerk’s Practice Direction No. 7 – Transmission of the PDF File of Certain Pleadings, Briefs, Memoranda and Other Documents by Means of the Digital Office of the Court of Appeal (DOCA)
- Chief Justice’s Directive - Rules Respecting the Preparation of the PDF File of Pleadings, Briefs, Memoranda, Books of Authorities or Any Other Document