Court of Appeal of Quebec

Book of authorities

Civil and criminal matter

Under section 62 of the Regulation of the Court of Appeal of Quebec in Civil Matters and section 49 of the Rules of the Court of Appeal of Quebec in Criminal Matters, books of authorities must only be filed in PDF format, both for appeals on the merits and for motions, unless the clerk requires one or more paper copies. For this purpose, parties must consult the table published below indicating the number of paper copies of the book of authorities required for each week of hearings

Number of copies of the book of authorities in paper copy format required for each week of the hearing (last update: February 10, 2025)

The parties must consult Clerk's Practice Direction No. 8 "Filing of the PDF file of the Book of Authorities", which specifies the applicable terms and conditions relating to the electronic filing of the books of authorities. The PDF file of the books of authorities must be compiled in accordance with the rules set out in the Chief Judge’s Directive entitled “Rules respecting the Preparation of the PDF file of Pleadings, Briefs, Memoranda, Books of Authorities or any Other Document”.


Penal matters

See possibility offered to the parties in Clerk's Practice Direction No. 8 ("Filing of the PDF file of the Book of Authorities"), regarding the electronic filing of the Book of authorities.